Monday, November 11, 2013

Who's got your back?

Hello H.I. Society!

When hard times come and your back is against the wall,
Do you have your own back? Or Do you look to others to assist you?

Often times we look for other people to have our backs, however we have to learn we cannot expect anyone to do things for us that we are not willing to expect from ourselves…because even then we still get disappointed.

Know that God has your back when you seek him first.
Lay your Expectations at his feet.
Man is imperfect even though we are made in his image and likeness.
So Today choose God to have your back and make sure you have your own back too!
Believe in Yourself. Have Confidence in yourself.
Speak Positive Affirmations to yourself. Speak Life to your situations.

When your back is against the wall, make sure there's room for you to squeeze in between;  and that you're leaning on God!

Be Blessed with Health, Wealth and Knowledge!

Here are some great poses to help you guys strengthen your back and alleviate back pain as well!
Click on the link below and enjoy!
Peace & love!

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