Monday, October 29, 2012

Wind For a CHANGE.

As the winds blow roughly this day, don't try to fight it, but embrace it.
This is a time of transition.
The spirit of OYA is here!
What is no longer serving us will be ripped up from the roots! 
Shredded, Tore up, destroyed!
This is the season for newness.
Oya has come to clear the path.

Oya is the Yoruban Orisha who assists in creating great change. Goddess of the Winds and Hurricanes, she shakes things up and removes stagnation.

There is much more to Oya! 
Be enlightened. Click the link below.

Know that God has blessed us with Purpose and Power!
Do you know what Powers you possess?
Do you know your Purpose?
Seek and ye shall find.
Knock and the door will be opened unto you.
Be Blessed!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

What does "Cleaning House" mean to YOU?

Hello H.I. Society

I have been cleaning cleaning cleaning today!
Dusting, sweeping, Laundry put aways reorganizing dressers and shoes in closets!
Packing away clothes and shoes my son can no longer fit and I stopped to check in with you all!

What a Relief it is TO CLEAN!
Something so simple, but we procrastinate and put it off more often then we desire.
Take the time to CLEAN something today. Watch how good you feel afterwards!
Whether it be a bookshelf, scrub a tub, or mop the entire apartment.  Drink some Detoxifying tea or fast  from something you love, but may be doing you more harm than good for the day.
Cleaning cleanses us and can open up certain chakras when we remove clutter from our lives internally, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually even.

Burn some Sage, or some Frankincense and Myhrr rock incense and walk through your home! 
Say a prayer, read a scripture if you want.  Ask the most High to remove negative energy from your space.  Even open your door and let the smoke cover your entrance.

Bless your home.  Clean your home.
This goes for your internal home (your body, your temple) and your external home (where you dwell)

Aparigraha is my Yama & Saucha is My Niyama for the week. 
(for more info on Yama and Niyama, click on the link below)

Set an intention for yours!
Be Blessed!
Peace, Love & Health!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Treat Yourself!

Hello H.I. Society!

I have been gone for a bit, but I'm back and in Full Effect!

I encourage you as always, to take time for yourself throughout your day to have a little piece of heaven if you can't have a lot!
Whether that be delighting in a decadent treat, relaxing in a bit of sunlight for 5 minutes just breathing in nature, soaking in a salt bath for an hour with incense and a candle burning in the midst, or purchasing a new pencil skirt that makes your butt look like a new gift from God!

Whatever brings you into that state of Bliss and it's NON- Harming Go for it!

Meditate on the Self as being
Vast as the sky,
A body of energy
Extending forever in all directions-
Above, below, all around.

In the embrace of infinite space,

Awaken to your true form,
Divine creative energy
Revealing Herself as you.

- The colored passage above is #69 taken from "The Radiance Sutras" by Lorin Roche.

Beloved, don't be afraid of the Unknown.
Touch it. Taste it.  Embrace it.

Peace, Love, & Health